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AI-based physics simulation for engineers

Time:23 Jul,2024


SimScale GmbH has developed a fully integrated and cloud-native AI-based physics prediction feature in its simulation platform. SimScale has partnered with the leading AI for accelerated engineering developer, NAVASTO, to integrate its solutions into the SimScale platform which will enable engineers to design in real-time using side-by-side physics and AI-generated results. Engineering simulation now comes with fully integrated AI-powered predictions with a 99% accuracy compared to solving complex partial differential equations (PDE) which normally take minutes to hours to solve. AI predictions can reduce this time to seconds whilst giving engineers a high degree of confidence in the results. Engineers can simulate their designs in real-time with instant results powered by the almost unlimited computing power of the cloud and augmented with industry-leading team collaboration features. SimScale is a cloud-native engineering simulation software used globally in various industries including automotive, manufacturing, turbomachinery, and electronics. A key requirement of leveraging AI in large engineering firms has been the availability and management of training data. With cloud-native simulation process and data management (SPDM) features, all data in the SimScale platform is inherently ready for AI.