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Schaeffler H?chstadt donates to the hospice association

Time:09 Jul,2024


3,000 euros for volunteering

Support for the training of hospice escorts

Donated proceeds from parking offences or loss of equipment

The Schaeffler site H?chstadt donated 3,000 euros to the hospice association a few days ago. The sum has been collected over several years. On the basis of a company agreement, the site charges a fee if employees lose keys, transponders or their company ID, for example, and need to be replaced. There are also "parking tickets" for parking offences on the company premises.

Bernhard Hobner, Head of Human Resources at Schaeffler in H?chstadt, said at the handover of the donation: "The company agreement between the employee representation and the employer regulates that the revenues are for a social purpose. We know that the hospice association goes to great lengths to support seriously ill and dying people and their families in difficult times. Schaeffler employees in H?chstadt have also taken advantage of the offer. Here our donation for this voluntary commitment is very useful. "

The Hospice Association H?chstadt und Umgebung e. V. currently has around 130 members, 21 of whom work as hospice escorts. Their task is, among other things, to accompany seriously ill people to death. But not only those affected, but also their families receive support, for example in coping with grief.

Dr. Hans-Joachim Laugwitz is the first board member of the association and explained during the donation handover: "We are very pleased about this donation from Schaeffler. We rely on donations for our diverse tasks and offers. With this generous sum we will be able to offer a new course for specially trained hospice helpers in autumn. "