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NSK Offers Improved Engineering Tools on Website

Time:01 Jul,2024


Delivering ease-of-use, helping to improve customers' engineering work efficiency

●Three engineering tools updated on the NSK website (NSK Online Catalog, Technical Calculations, and 2D/3D CAD Data)

●Functions linked across tools to provide one-stop solution for various tasks, from selecting bearings, to confirming specifications, to downloading CAD data

●Multiple technical calculation items can be processed and displayed at once

●Basic dynamic load ratings*1 have been revised based on new technology and incorporated into the NSK Online Catalog

(Please refer to the press release, “NSK Extends Basic Rating Life (Estimated Life) of Rolling Bearings : Practical application of highly accurate bearing life prediction method applying ultrasonic testing improves the basic dynamic load ratings of NSK’s rolling bearings” issued today, July 1).

  NSK Ltd. announced today that it has improved the engineering tools available on its website. The new engineering tools — NSK Online Catalog, Technical Calculations, and 2D/3D CAD Data — which were previously independent, are now linked to enable customers to perform all processes from selecting bearings, to confirming specifications, to downloading CAD data, in a one-stop solution. For Technical Calculations, a new function has been added to allow one-time calculation and display of multiple calculation items (Bearing life, Bearing Fits and Clearances, Bearing frequencies, etc.), helping customers to reduce their work time.

*1 basic dynamic load rating: The load capacity of a rolling bearing that allows the inner ring to rotate one million times with the outer ring stationary without changing direction or size.

 Basic dynamic load ratings*1 have been revised by applying new technology (please refer to the press release,“NSK Extends Basic Rating Life (Estimated Life) of Rolling Bearings:Practical application of highly accurate bearing life prediction method applying ultrasonic testing improves the basic dynamic load ratings of NSK’s rolling bearings” issued today, July 1), and these have been incorporated into the NSK Online Catalog. Technical Calculations can now be performed with the revised Cr values (basic dynamic load ratings*1).

 In addition, the web page design employs a responsive design which displays content appropriately according to the size of the viewer’s device, improving convenience when using a smartphone.

NSK will continue to expand its online tools to meet the needs of its customers.